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CRG community shows solidarity with Ukraine


Lun, 28/03/2022 - 18:00

CRG community shows solidarity with Ukraine

The CRG, alongside all other CERCA centres, part of the research ecosystem of the Generalitat de Catalunya, express solidarity with Ukraine.
El CRG, juntament amb el sistema CERCA, centres de recerca de Catalunya, en el marc de l'ecosistema de recerca de la Generalitat de Catalunya, expressa la seva solidaritat amb Ucraïna.

We condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which is causing many casualties, displacing a large number of people and forcing them to leave their country and way of life.
Condemnem la invasió russa d’Ucraïna que està provocant nombroses pèrdues humanes, així com una gran quantitat de persones desplaçades, forçades a deixar la seva forma de vida i el seu país.

The CERCA system is positioned against any conflict or aggression used to resolve disagreements between people, countries or territories. There is no rational justification for the loss of human lives in war.
El sistema CERCA es posiciona en contra de qualsevol conflicte bèl·lic per resoldre les desavinences entre les persones, països o territoris. No existeix cap justificació racional per a la pèrdua de vides humanes en guerres.

This war is also a direct threat to the lives of people in the Ukrainian scientific community and to the future of their science.
Addicionalment, aquesta guerra és també una amenaça directa a les vides de les persones de la comunitat científica d’Ucraïna i al futur de la seva ciència.

For this reason, alongside other CERCA centres, the CRG will join the various initiatives promoted by the international science community to support an entire generation of scientists displaced by war.
Per aquesta raó, juntament amb els centres CERCA, el CRG s'adhereix a les iniciatives impulsades per altres institucions de recerca europees i ens proposem portar a terme diverses accions per recolzar-les i no permetre que es perdi una generació de científics i científiques en aquest país.

The current offers for displaces scientists are:
Les ofertes actuals per a científics desplaçats són:

Baud Lab

My lab is offering various types of positions (trainees, technicians; from a few months, up to 2 years), all paid, in the broad domain of computational genetics and/or analysis of laboratory animal behaviour on videos. You can contact me at

Gebauer Lab

We are interested in roles and mechanisms of RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) in cancer, in particular on translational reprogramming. Our work involves high-throughput identification of RBP mRNA targets, proteome-wide identification of protein partners, analysis of RNA-binding specificities, in vitro assays to understand mechanisms of translational control, and in cellulo and in vivo (mice) assays to test our predictions. We have space for 1-2 Ukrainian visiting scientists (wet or dry) at the PhD-postdoc levels. The scientists should be supported by external funds. Should you be interested, please contact me at:

Weghorn Lab

We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher to join the “Evolutionary Processes Modeling” group. We use computational analysis of sequencing data together with population genetics predictions and statistical modelling to answer questions about mutational processes and selective pressures in cancer cells and in the human population. The ideal candidate should be highly motivated and eager to work on evolutionary and biological problems through the use and development of computational and statistical approaches. Please contact me at:

In case there is a match between the candidates and the hosting PI, the CRG HR Department will assess each request and find the best option to formalise the relationship between him/her and the CRG (work contract, collaboration agreement, fellowship, etc.).