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CRG renews European Commission’s seal of HR Excellence


Vie, 07/05/2021 - 11:18

CRG renews European Commission’s seal of HR Excellence

The Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) is pleased to announce that it has retained its HR Excellence in Research award for its open recruitment policy, commitment to gender equality and the long-term investment in the career development of its researchers.

The HR Excellence in Research seal was renewed following a virtual visit from assessors from the European Commission. The award gives public recognition to research institutions that have made progress in aligning their human resource policies with the forty basic principles of the Charter and Code set out by the Commission.

The assessors commended the CRG for its particularly impressive achievements in having an open, transparent and merit-based policy for attracting highly talented researchers from all over the world, as well its efforts in training researchers, its gender equality and the development of a separate professional career policies dedicated to the technicians.

Olalla Bagüés, the CRG’s Head of Human Resources, says: “The CRG is a research centre of excellence where people are our biggest asset. Supporting their research careers in the long-term is one of our top priorities.Renewing the HR Excellence in Research seal has been a joint and collaborative effort across the CRG, which is why this is an important recognition for all of us. Together we have developed and upheld the highest standards in our policies and practices.”

The CRG’s gender equality plan (PDF) and its effectiveness in increasing the number of women in team leadership positions, as well as the support for grants targeted at women scientists were two elements that were both highly valued and considered good practices that other research institutions could learn from.

The European Commission’s Human Resources Strategy for Researchers supports research institutions and funding organizations in the implementation of a Charter and Code in their policies and practices. After award is granted, the participating organisation must document progress and quality of the actions and accompanying measures.

The CRG joins 594 other organizations around Europe to be accredited with the HR Excellence in Research seal. A total of 138 institutions are accredited in Spain.