Genetic data from a major cohort is now distributed through the European Genome–phenome Archive (EGA), a joint resource developed by EMBL-EBI and the CRG.
Miguel Beato was given the SCB Prize in recognition of his career and Roni Wright was given the SCB Prize in the category of best scientific article.
This award is a recognition to outstanding members of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE) who are in the midst of their research careers.
The work of the CRG and Eugin Group succeeds in observing the fertilisation capacity of the sperm cell before its insemination in the oocyte.
CRG researchers participate in the IASIS project, which is a new EU research project aiming to turn health data into personalised treatments for Alzheimer’s disease and lung cancer patients.
At the BIST Board of Trustees meeting, which took place today in Barcelona, the incorporation of the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) as a new member of the Foundation was also...
EMBO announced today the election of 65 new EMBO Members including two CRG group leaders.
The Catalan Association of Scientific Communication (ACCC), the radio broadcaster RAC 1, and...
CRG researchers participated in several activities including talks, demonstrations and open debates about ongoing research projects in the institute.
Three new CRG projects have been launched within the Proof of Concept: Commercialization Gap Fund...