The study sequenced the genome of two strains of P. digitatum to find out why it is so specific and virulent, in addition to its varying ability to resist antifungal compounds. It is the first...
Concierto de crowdfunding para investigación biomédica en Sala RazzMatazz 3, 8 de Febrero a las 22.00 horas
Researchers study the function of the enzyme TET2 in gene expression during cell transdifferentiation. The enzyme is mutated in acute myeloid leukaemia and the work increases our understanding of...
Los sistemas de reacción-difusión que propuso Turing explican el mecanismo en tetrápodos. El estudio hecho por el CRG y el CSIC, confirma que los genes ‘Hox’ regulan el grosor de los dedos durante...
The new online, open-access journal is an initiative of the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) and Cell Press. The first number will be published in June 2013.
The CRG Genomics and the Proteomics units have been included in the inventory of European research infrastructures. The CRG unit of proteomics is the only one in this field selected in Spain
The Secretary of State for R&D in Spain established the Advisory Council for Science, Technology and...
Two recent studies by CRG researchers delve into the role of chromatin modifying enzymes and transcription factors in tumour cells.
GEUVADIS announce the public release of their transcriptome data.
- The award is the top recognition in scientific research bestowed in Catalonia