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23/02/2024 to 31/10/2024
We are thrilled to announce the launch of the 6th edition of the CRG Awards for Training Technicians, an initiative by the CRG to enhance and promote the high-quality training of the technician’s community. The CRG is committed to strengthen and...
28/10/2024 to 29/10/2024
This year the Barcelona Collaboratorium Symposium will showcase the range of applications of computational, mathematical and theoretical methods in biology, ranging from single molecular structures to tissues and populations. In addition to invited...
17/06/2024 to 21/06/2024
This course offers a comprehensive update on cutting-edge proteomics techniques and applications. The course targets international researchers that are looking for an extensive update on the most advanced proteomics techniques and applications,...
04/04/2024 to 13/06/2024
Basics of Biostatistics - Statistical Empowerment: Take the Best Advantage of Your Data and Research The course will give an overview of important concepts and methods used to analyse “Biomedical data”. The primary focus will be on developing a...
27/05/2024 to 28/05/2024
The ISCO conference  is co-organized by leading  centres  for  genomic and  biomedical  research in  Berlin and Barcelona and brings together  young  single cell researchers from different disciplines to  enable scientific exchange and  foster new ...
14/05/2024 to 17/05/2024
For many early career researchers, writing a fellowship application will be their first experience with the highly competitive scientific funding system. This comprehensive course will guide students and early postdoctoral scholars through the...
This hands-on course is tailor-made for new labs joining CRG but could also be a refresher for those who already use the electronic lab notebook (ELN). During this introductory course, we will cover the basics of the ELNs, such as the comparison...
22/04/2024 to 26/04/2024
Description  This five-day comprehensive and intensive course covers the entire spectrum of bioimaging, starting from the fundamental basics of optical microscopy, instrumentation, specimen preparation, molecular markers, right up to the most...
Every scientist has to visually communicate scientific data. As figures in scientific manuscripts, slides in conference talks, posters and increasingly also as graphical abstracts, interactive visualizations, and in dashboards. Yet, the fundamentals...
Com ens afecta l'envelliment? Totes les persones ens veiem afectades per les conseqüències de l'envelliment, però la ciència encara no ha descobert com i per què envellim. L'Andrea del Carmen Fabregat, estudiant de doctorat al Centre de Regulació...
09/04/2024 to 16/04/2024
This course will consolidate material presented in the beginner cluster course and expand on the concepts to be aware of when trying to optimize use of the cluster.  The main message of the course is to embrace the parallelism available within the...
21/03/2024 to 22/03/2024
This course is an introduction to the cluster. It will explain the key concepts of a cluster and how to launch a simple job. Some general advice on best practice and practices to be avoided will be covered.  Topics that are going to be addressed:  ...
12/03/2024 to 21/03/2024
This course aims to provide basic notions of R programming to people that have NEVER worked with R and that want to learn how to use it for data analysis and visualization.   The Introduction to R course starts from the very basics of R language,...
19/03/2024 to 20/03/2024
This crash course was born to spread the word on the existence of R packages that offer great functions to quickly explore, present, and communicate our results. During the sessions, we will use data visualization to try to answer questions and...
This training session ensures the adequate knowledge for the staff that needs to be in contact with the CRG laser systems. It provides the basic knowledge necessary to protect themselves and others about the risks of accidental exposure to lasers...
11/03/2024 to 12/03/2024
The aim of this course is to give a general overview on Nextflow, focusing on the execution, configuration and deployment of local and publicly available pipelines. Topics that are going to be addressed: Understand Nextflow’s basic concepts Execute...
28/02/2024 to 08/03/2024
The course will guide you to setup a development environment using VS Code together with Gitlab and creating a personal Git repository for the course. Afterwards, it will provide Python programming concepts, covering variables, functions, loops,...
This course provides an introduction to using the linux terminal. It is suitable for complete beginners who have never used the command line before. Anybody who intends to use the cluster for data analysis and is not confident in the terminal should...
19/02/2024 to 21/02/2024
This course is designed to teach the basics of everyday Linux Containers usage. Participants will learn what Linux Containers are and why they are relevant to today's scientific practice. They will learn hands-on Docker, the most popular container...
This CATCAT morning will revolve around Mechanobiology. The event will take place at the PCB Auditorium on the 19th of February, registration not needed.Check the full program and don’t miss it!
15/02/2024 to 16/02/2024
This course is designed to teach the fundamental concepts and practical guidelines for ensuring that everyday data generation and management tasks fit into reproducible scientific workflows. The course emphasizes the importance of open data formats...
06/02/2024 to 09/02/2024
About the course This hands-on course is designed for software engineers who want to start using containers and Nextflow pipelines to achieve reproducibility for data analysis. Linux containers allow the storage of code and applications in a host-...