European Coordinated

European CoordinatedEuropean Coordinated

The CRG has a long experience in coordinating large European collaborative projects and is therefore contributing to advancing knowledge in diverse fields of biology and biomedical research, ranging from systems biology, cancer, epigenetics, cell trafficking, and rare diseases to medical genomics.

The Institute has led a total of eight collaborative projects under the 7th Framework Programme for research and technological development (2007-2013) and now leads five under the Horizon 2020 programme for research and innovation (2014-2020). This section lists the active collaborative projects currently headed by the Institute.


Evolutionary genomics of long, non-coding RNAs

Field / Programme
Field/Programme - Lorem Ipsum...NONCODEVOL
Start: 01/01/2013 End: 31/12/2017

Systematic investigation of epistasis in molecular evolution

Field / Programme
Field/Programme - Lorem Ipsum...EinME
Start: 01/01/2014 End: 31/12/2018

Engineering of Mycoplasma pneumoniae as a broad-spectrum animal vaccine

Principal Investigator/s
Luis Serrano Pubul, Coordinator
Field / Programme
Field/Programme - Lorem Ipsum...MYCOSYNVAC
Start: 01/04/2015 End: 31/03/2020

A model-driven approach to minimal cell engineering for medical therapy

Principal Investigator/s
Luis Serrano Pubul, Coordinator
Field / Programme
Field/Programme - Lorem Ipsum...MINICELL
Start: 01/10/2015 End: 30/09/2018

 A multidisciplinary approach to cell division: From human oocyte to synthetic biology

Principal Investigator/s
Isabelle Vernos, Coordinator
Field / Programme
Field/Programme - Lorem Ipsum...DivIDE
Start: 01/04/2016 End: 31/03/2020

From Omics to Patient: Improving Diagnostics of Pathogenic Yeasts

Field / Programme
Field/Programme - Lorem Ipsum...OPATHY
Start: 01/09/2015 End: 31/08/2019
