Proyectos Coordinados

Proyectos CoordinadosProyectos Coordinados

The CRG has a large experience coordinating large European collaborative projects, therefore contributing to advance knowledge in several field of biology and biomedical research, ranging from systems biology, cancer, epigenetics, cellular trafficking, and rare diseases to medical genomics.

The institute led eight collaborative projects under the 7th Framework Programme for research and technological developemnt (2007-2013) y currently leads 5 projects under the Horizon 2020 programme for research and innovation (2014-2020). This section lists the active collaborative projects led by the institute.

New methods and theories to interrogate organizational principles from single cell to neuronal networks

Principal Investigator/s
Mara Dierssen Sotos, Partner
Field / Programme
Field/Programme - Lorem Ipsum...BRAIN 
Start: 15/09/2019 End: 14/09/2022
Principal Investigator/s
Verena Ruprecht, Coordinator
Field / Programme
Field/Programme - Lorem Ipsum...Mechanosensitive dynamics at the fertilization synapse
Start: 01/10/2020 End: 30/09/2023
Principal Investigator/s
Susana De la Luna Gargantilla, Project Leader
Field / Programme
Field/Programme - Lorem Ipsum...Organization of the DYRK1A interactome through docking domains: searching for novel targeting approaches
Start: 21/06/2020 End: 14/07/2022
Principal Investigator/s
Renée Beekman, Project Leader
Field / Programme
Field/Programme - Lorem Ipsum...Occurrence of sporadic oncogene activation in normal B cells and its implications in lymphomagenesis
Start: 01/01/2020 End: 30/06/2022
Principal Investigator/s
Lars Velten, Partner
Field / Programme
Field/Programme - Lorem Ipsum...Multi-scale, single-cell systems biology of leukemia stem cells in pathogenesis
Start: 01/02/2020 End: 31/01/2023
Principal Investigator/s
Laura Batlle Morera, Project Leader
Field / Programme
Field/Programme - Lorem Ipsum...Molecular analysis of the non-cell autonomous effects in Down syndrome cortex using mouse ESC-derived brain organoids
Start: 20/04/2020 End: 18/01/2023
